sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2009

Coluna Endomarketing - Júlio Jacobina

Management tool that leads
your company to the top

The globalized world has been going through changes inomináveis, and companies now need to adapt the changes, and their way of thinking and acting, it is essential for organizations, is needed to build a course that concentrates its force inside, overcoming the difficulties, and reaching their goals. The company where I work has an excellent program of internal communication, but unfortunately I have encountered with other companies basically concerned with the quality of products and services, with production and profits, forgetting the human capital, which is most important asset in organizations . I have found people very sad, discouraged and dissatisfied with the job they have.

It has a good performance in the company, but when asked about your business on adjectives such as: no can handle more work in this organization, my head is difficult, communication is poor, my work is mechanical, and I do not know the mission of my organization I am unmotivated. These lamentations are constant, and when you shut down the company, speaking evil comes out of it. We need to warn some businessmen on this type of management. But all is not lost, there is a new management tool called endomarketing, which is transforming the organization, which aims to improve internal communication, raise self-esteem of its employees, building a new image into the business, targeting a own language and cultural homogenous throughout company. Currently one of the company's competitive advantage is the quality of work performed by employees. They found that not enough technical quality, and that the quality of human commitment, was able to push the lead to leadership. One result of endomarketing is the motivation of its employees to become skilled and willing to serve well the customers of your company, building a work environment where everyone happy and satisfied. Do not give reasons for its official talk bad of your company.
Their needs and their desires.
Here some important tips for you businessman who was interested, or at least has the intention to learn more about the subject.
Customers can only be won and retained in service excellence.
Service excellence to customers and management of human resources means
much more than smile and pat on the back. It involves compromise and officials with the goals and decisions of the company;
Promote communication and exchange of information between everyone in the organization.
Julio Jacobina is a graduate in
administration of the company UESC - Official
the Coelba

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