Lula remou inema at sea by boat from the Port Authority
A TARDE On Line *
President Lula, accompanied by his security chief and two sailors, departed from the coast is 800 m from the beach inema in his walk this morning. The boat in which was a boat was acompanhdo by the Navy and followed up the bridge of Usiba, where he remained for about 10 minutes. Then, Lula went to the port of the company and noted the landscape for a few more minutes. In return, already in the sense of inema beach, the boat of the president reduced the speed as the engine had stopped working and Lula began to swim along with fellow walk. Soon after, apparently, the boat returned to work, and the president shook the rain returned to the beach. At the end of the tour, already on the edge of the beach, Lula waved to journalists.
Lula took to appear on the beach today. After the rain to a truce, he left around 10:40 am in the morning, he remained for a time under a tree along with 9 people in the family. Then, the ship entered the Port Authority and followed towards the sea for a day of relaxation. In blue suit jacket and saves lives, Lula enjoys the last few moments of rest before returning to Brasilia.
Bahia invests U.S. $ 90 million in cultural heritage and museums
By the end of this month the actions of the State Government aimed at safeguarding the cultural heritage, restoration and promotion of the museums of Bahia reach approximately U.S. $ 90 million in investments. State and federal resources are managed by the Office of Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Bahia (IPAC), linked to the state secretary of Culture (Secult) during the biennium 2007-2008.
According to the director general of Ipac, Frederico Mendonça, half of these resources are applied in work. "Over $ 50 million is invested in the restoration of monuments and buildings felled as state or national heritage, historic centers of cities in Bahia, in improvements to the houses of Lower Sapateiros and the Historic Center of Salvador (CHS), and the recovery of Bahians museums, among other interventions, "says Mendonça.
Among the monuments already restored or are still in the works of Unhão Solar, Palace of Aclamação, Solar Ferrão, Palácio Rio Branco, churches of Pilar, Boqueirão and Our Lady of the Rosary of Black, in addition to the Sculpture Park of MAM, in Salvador, Historic Park and the Castro Alves in the Cabaceiras Paraguassu. The rest of the investment is for the repair of cultural mobile - as sacred images and museum collections -, support the holding of cultural events such as the Feast of Santa Barbara, St. John and the 'Carnival of the', and the holding of concerts and exhibitions.
The streamlining of the work incorporates the policy of improving the services of Ipac, undertaken since January 2007. The federal programs and Monumenta Prodetur 2 (Program for Development of Tourism in Northeast), through the Bureau of Tourism (Setur), meet the highest intake of resources.
"The monument is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, by contrast Union and the State Treasury, with U.S. $ 35 million applied to the recovery of the historic centers of sheets and waterfall," says Mendonça. Cachoeira is a Brazilian city, among other 25, which receives more resources of the Monumenta. Back in Salvador, the monument is the 7th stage of recovery of CHS under the responsibility of county / Sedur.
With the University of Recôncavo and the Federal University of Bahia, the Ipac is preparing a dossier to apply the set-architectural history of Cachoeira and Sao Felix, on the banks of the Rio PARAGUASSU, such as' Heritage of Humanity. " "By May of this year, the Secretary Márcio Meirelles directs the survey for the Governor Jaques Wagner submit the proposal to UNESCO," says Mendonça.
The Ipac're also interventions in the Lower South and in Feira de Santana. In Salvador promoted repairs to museums and Tempostal Ceramic tiles and Udo Knoff, the source of the stones - tumbled monument by the state - and the technical survey of New Hope Village, which subsidized urban and architectural projects in this hillside CHS. As of March (2008) have begun the restoration of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black and the Oratory of the Cross of Pascoal, both in the CHS. Integrating the strategy for the preservation of historical sites and by agreement with the Ministry of Culture, the Ipac elaborates further, the project for the rehabilitation of the Fair of San Joaquin in the amount of $ 1.5 million.
Baiana industry records growth of 4.1%
In aggregate, 2008, from January to November, the industry baiana maintained a growth of 3.8%. And in the last 12 months combined, the expansion was 4.1%, even with the retraction, in November 2008, from 3.2% in its production, compared to November 2007. The information was released this Friday (9) by the Monthly Industrial Research (IBGE), with analysis of the Monitoring Coordination Conjuntural the Superintendency of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia (SEI), the municipal Department of Planning (Seplan).
The negative result for the month of November in the research had been flagged since Thursday (8) by the Economic Indicator Movement of Salvador (IMEC / SEI), which calculated a shrinkage of 2.9% in the business capital of Bahia, anticipating the possible decline of other indicators on the economy in November.
The processing industry fell 3.3%. Four segments of processing recorded negative variations. The main negative contribution came from chemical products (-15.6%), on account of lower production of ammonium sulfate and titanium dioxide. The chemical segment represents about 35% of the industrial structure baiana.
Also contributed to the decline vehicles (-1.8%), rubber and plastic (-3.2%) and pulp, paper and paper products (-0.7%). Among the sectors that registered positive change, the basic metal rose by 13.2% in production, being influenced by the increase in the manufacture of bar, profile and vergalhões copper.
Other highlights are food and beverages (8.6%) and non-metallic minerals (3.8%). The mining industry (-0.6%) records fall after five consecutive months of positive results.
Maintaining positive variation
In the middle of the year, from January to November, the rate of industrial production baiana maintains a positive variation of 3.8%, and the processing industry registered a 3.9% rate. With the exception of chemicals (-2.2%) and motor vehicles (-2.7%), all other segments of the industry had positive rates, especially, cellulose, and paper and paper products (31%), metallurgy Basic (4.4%) and food and beverages (2.9%).
In aggregate the last 12 months (December 2007 to last November), the indicator points to a slowdown in the pace of growth ranging from 4.7% in October, to 4.2% in November. With respect to the segments, it is pulp, paper and paper products (31.6%), oil refining and production of alcohol (2.8%), rubber and plastics (14.9%) with positive charges. The segments of chemicals (-1.6%) and motor vehicles (-3.3%) accumulate negative rates in the period.
Conde start installation of the seat of Pituaçu
State of Bahia (Count) starts, Juventus (10), the installation of the seat of the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Santos (Pituaçu). Already the demarcation of areas for parking and the gallery of honor of the press were held this Friday.
Last month the system was tested for telecommunications and lighting, which already guarantees the perfect use of the square of sports and also ensures good working conditions for the press and excellent viewing for journalists and fans.
Equipped with the latest generation equipment, the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Santos, expanded and modernized by Conde, has a capacity for 32,400 spectators, will the host of the championship games Bahian and Brazilian championship, and international competitions since they fully meet the requirements of Fan and the status of Fifa.
Most of the three subway trains arriving from El Salvador on 19 January
Other three subway trains in El Salvador, also with a total of 12 wagons, from Korea, should arrive in the next 19 days to the Port of Salvador, thereby complementing the contribution of state for transport of mass in the Bahian capital. The Government of Bahia, through the Urban Development Company of the State of Bahia (Count), bought the six trains, which represent an investment of approximately $ 50 million, with financing from Bank of Brazil.
The first three trains of Metro landed in El Salvador on November 7 last year and are stored in the premises of the Interior Customs Station (EADI / Salvador), located in the CIA-South a monthly cost of $ 40 thousand, banking by state government, until the delivery to the final destination for the tests on trails, to be made before your operation.
The three trains that arrive in Salvador in the next 19 days will also be taken to the EADI / Salvador. The six trains will remain under the responsibility of Conde until the City completes the construction of the yard and help to maintain the paths of the settlement.
Made in Korea, by Rotem, and supplied by Mitsui & Co. Ltda., Each train is composed of four wagons with electric traction, bodies and structures in stainless steel. The capacity of each is a composition of 1,250 passengers and offers air conditioning and sound insulation.
Each train is composed of four wagons of type two and two trailer-type motor. Each wagon-type motor is 21,485 meters in length and 3,060 meters wide, 4,240 meters high and weighing 43,500 pounds. The type of trailer has a length of 20,290 meters, 3,060 meters wide, 4,135 meters in height and 44 thousand pounds.
Brasília - Encouraging the organization and training sector is a priority for the federal government, which has invested more than $ 30 million in cooperativism, the last five years. The industry promotes agricultural inclusion.
The resources were applied in technical training, social organization of rural cooperatives and agricultural holding of exhibitions in the five Brazilian regions. According to the Department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development (SDC), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map), the number of beneficiaries rose from 435 thousand. 27% are from the Northeast and 20% in South
The coordinator-general of the Department of Monitoring and Cooperative Associations, Luiz Carlos Colturato, explains that resources are allocated according to the demand of each productive area. "There are cooperatives, or organizations that represent them, that we seek in search of support. The investment is made to the needs of each region, "he said.
As a result, Colturato records the increase in exports of products from agricultural cooperatives, in the last two years. He cites, too, the improvement in the ability of management and organization of cooperatives in the north and northeast.
"Despite the geographical difficulties observed in the northern region, the Amazon cooperatives reported progress in controlling their activities. Already in the Northeast, particularly in Ceará and Pernambuco, saw significant improvement in the organization of the productive chain of milk cooperatives in, "he says.
Organic have official seal in the first half of 2009
Brasília - "The implementation of the seal of the federal government will allow the consumer to identify organic products on supermarket shelves should occur in the first half of this year." The forecast is the coordinator of substitute Agroecologia Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map) , Tereza Cristina Saminêz.
In 2008, instructions were issued two regulations which will contribute to the regulation of organic agriculture in Brazil. In implementing the National Commission for Organic Production, to give new powers to the committees in the units of the federation and which regulates the organ systems of animal and plant production. With this, three more instructions to be published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). They are: a mechanism for ensuring the quality control of organic, sustainable extraction of organic and processing of organic products.
According to Saminêz, organic farming is important for the Brazilian economy, especially in social and environmental aspects. "In management, the producer seeks to minimize the impact of productive action on the environment, to obtain a differentiated product that will provide greater economic return," he emphasized.
Producers have until December 28, 2009 to fit the system, because the decree of the organic regulations, published in December 2007, established a deadline of two years for farmers.
Infraero shows positive financial performance in 2008
The Infraero concluded the year with performance higher than in 2007. The operating result for the year of 2008 is over U.S. $ 500 million, the best since 2003.
Other indicators also show the improved performance of the company. The net profit before the investment will exceed U.S. $ 400 million, compared with the $ 261.2 million achieved in 2007, with operating margin above 19%.
According to the board's financial Infraero follows the excellent result of the measures adopted for the optimization and simplification of procedures, in search of greater cost in services. Projected that the change in revenue is higher than that of expenditure, there was thus to improve the economic performance of the Company.
The Infraero emphasize that the performance will enable greater allocation of resources in the process of modernization which has done at airports. "Who wins and passengers are the users with the improvement of service quality and safety of operations," said the company's financial director, Mauro Roberto Pacheco.
Cash only finance business users of legal timber
Entered into force on the last day of January 1, 2009, the Agreement of Technical Cooperation for Wood Legal Action signed between the Ministry of Environment, the Federal Savings and Ibama to guarantee the use of native wood in the legal origin of ventures financed by bank .
According to the General Coordinator for the Management of Forest Resources of Ibama, José Humberto Chaves, the agreement aims to curb the use of wood of illegal origin in the works and projects funded by the box, developing measures to prove the legal origin of wood used in these enterprises, implement actions and procedures to ensure the legal origin of wood used to create a list of default or construction that breaks the rules established for the verification of legal origin of the native wood used in construction and develop education for the use of legal timber.
Ibama to lie, among others, provide access and training to the DOF System - module for consultation - the employees of the Caixa authorized, perform the autuação of companies that do not submit documents proving the legal origin of the wood to the box and to disclose the action with the civil construction sector.
It is important that builders and other organizers of enterprises seeking a housing unit of Ibama closer in case of doubt to purchase timber from legal origin. We must emphasize on the need for construction and are included in the regular Technical Federal Register to be able to move in the woods or in the System DOF State Integrated Electronic System.
As of January will be required to provide the Document of Origin DOF Forest near the box by the builders and organizers, and the default will be referred for investigation by Ibama, says Keys. More information on how to get the DOF can be found on the Internet page of Ibama (
09/01/2009 14:00 - 12/01/2009 20:30
Check out the job vacancies offered by SineBahia valid until Monday (12):
• Analyst of quality control
• Angiology
• Financial aid
• Cardiologists
• Sales Consultant
• Dentist
• Responsible for production
• Endocrinologist
• Civil engineer
• Engineer of Mines
• Stage for ADM, economics or law
• Stage for Fitness
• Geriatra
• Pediatrician
• Neurologist
• Professor of elementary school
• Technical tributos
Check the list of vacancies in: / sinebahia / vagas.mht.
Interested parties should attend to the central unit of care SineBahia, located on Avenida ACM, 3359, Edf. Torres of Iguatemi, or to other service units of the SineBahia located in SACS, so portfolio of work, RG, CPF and proof of residence.
21/10/2008 17:00 - 16/01/2009 19:00
The State Government extended for the next day on January 16 the entries of the competition of the Military Police of the State of Bahia. The extension is for another seven days in compensation to the period of year-end festivities, which were included in the first deadline extension, between Dec. 19 and Jan. 9.
The determination was published in the Daily Journal this Friday (9), by joint decree of the Secretary of Administration (Saeb) and the General Command of the Military Police. The candidates compete for one of 3.2 thousand places available for the positions of firefighters and soldiers of the Military Police.
Entries can be made by the website of Carlos Chagas Foundation ( Another option is to withdraw the registration form in positions SAC, battalions and companies of the Independent Military Police linked the announcement, which is also available at the electronic address of the company organizing the contest. Payment must be made within the banking business hours. The announcement with addresses and rules of participation can be found in the Portal Server (
The new PMs find a Military Police restructured. They will have more chances to climb the career (four rather than two levels of graduation of squares) and can still win prizes for police performance. The new organizational context of the PM is the most attractive candidates for positions in the PM, who also had their salaries improved.
The forecast is that the evidence for admission are applied to soldiers on March 8, 2009. Of the total vacancies, 2,870 are for males and 330 are for females. The contract provides for the provision of PM 2.8 thousand for the establishment of Military Police Squares (QPPM) and 400 to the Board of Fire Military Squares (QPBM). The evidence will be applied in the cities of Salvador, Juazeiro, Feira de Santana, Ilhéus, Vitória da Conquista and barriers.
To participate in the contest, the candidate must have certificate of completion of high school, at least 18 and no more than 30 years of age at the time of enrollment in the Training Course of Military Police Soldier. We also need to be up with the military service (for male candidates) and with the obligations election.
01/12/2008 17:08 - 18/01/2009 20:00
The State Government opens on Monday (1 / 12), the entries for the competition which will select 850 professionals in the area of health units that act in the public network state. The edict, published in the Official Gazette of the State on Friday (28/11), offers 605 vacancies for doctors (in 35 specialties) and over 245 vacancies directed the careers of 16 other middle and upper level. Entries can be made between on 1 December 2008 and January 18, 2009, the site of Consultec (, a company organizing the event.
The vacancies are in bid for medical sanitation (8), veterinarian (2), pharmaceuticals (33), biologist (2), psychologist (8), physiotherapist (7), occupational therapist (8), regulator of health care (10), social (9), nutritionist (18), nurses (54), speech pathologist (9), clinicians (7), radiology technician in (15), technical in clinical pathology (15) and technical nursing (40 ).
The initial remuneration of positions ranging from R $ 678.72 to R $ 2,209.08. The tests are planned for the 15th of February, with completion in Salvador. For higher-level positions, the competition will have two stages: objective evidence of general knowledge and specific (round) and proof of title (classification). For the mid-level positions to be single step, with objective evidence of general and specific knowledge.
To compete, the candidate must be born or naturalized Brazilian, have minimum age of 18 full years on the date of possession of the office; be in full exercise of their civil and political rights; not have records of criminal background, which involves changing the "criminal state" being in good physical and mental health for the financial position and be aware of the requirements contained in the announcement, as the graduation diploma to higher and proof of completion of technical courses for mid-level positions.
Persons with disabilities will have reserves of up to 5% of total vacancies, depending on the office, workplace, area of expertise or specialty. The hours of work for the post of doctor will be 20 hours per week to 40 hours per week of public health and other positions of 30 hours per week.
The professionals will form multidisciplinary teams of 14 Regional Health Boards (Dires) in Salvador, Feira de Santana, Gandu, Ilhéus, Itabuna, Paulo Afonso, Cicero Dantas, Jequié, Vitoria da Conquista, Barriers, Santa Maria da Vitoria, Amargosa, Guanambi and Cruz das Almas.
A TARDE On Line *
President Lula, accompanied by his security chief and two sailors, departed from the coast is 800 m from the beach inema in his walk this morning. The boat in which was a boat was acompanhdo by the Navy and followed up the bridge of Usiba, where he remained for about 10 minutes. Then, Lula went to the port of the company and noted the landscape for a few more minutes. In return, already in the sense of inema beach, the boat of the president reduced the speed as the engine had stopped working and Lula began to swim along with fellow walk. Soon after, apparently, the boat returned to work, and the president shook the rain returned to the beach. At the end of the tour, already on the edge of the beach, Lula waved to journalists.
Lula took to appear on the beach today. After the rain to a truce, he left around 10:40 am in the morning, he remained for a time under a tree along with 9 people in the family. Then, the ship entered the Port Authority and followed towards the sea for a day of relaxation. In blue suit jacket and saves lives, Lula enjoys the last few moments of rest before returning to Brasilia.
Bahia invests U.S. $ 90 million in cultural heritage and museums
By the end of this month the actions of the State Government aimed at safeguarding the cultural heritage, restoration and promotion of the museums of Bahia reach approximately U.S. $ 90 million in investments. State and federal resources are managed by the Office of Cultural and Artistic Heritage of Bahia (IPAC), linked to the state secretary of Culture (Secult) during the biennium 2007-2008.
According to the director general of Ipac, Frederico Mendonça, half of these resources are applied in work. "Over $ 50 million is invested in the restoration of monuments and buildings felled as state or national heritage, historic centers of cities in Bahia, in improvements to the houses of Lower Sapateiros and the Historic Center of Salvador (CHS), and the recovery of Bahians museums, among other interventions, "says Mendonça.
Among the monuments already restored or are still in the works of Unhão Solar, Palace of Aclamação, Solar Ferrão, Palácio Rio Branco, churches of Pilar, Boqueirão and Our Lady of the Rosary of Black, in addition to the Sculpture Park of MAM, in Salvador, Historic Park and the Castro Alves in the Cabaceiras Paraguassu. The rest of the investment is for the repair of cultural mobile - as sacred images and museum collections -, support the holding of cultural events such as the Feast of Santa Barbara, St. John and the 'Carnival of the', and the holding of concerts and exhibitions.
The streamlining of the work incorporates the policy of improving the services of Ipac, undertaken since January 2007. The federal programs and Monumenta Prodetur 2 (Program for Development of Tourism in Northeast), through the Bureau of Tourism (Setur), meet the highest intake of resources.
"The monument is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank, by contrast Union and the State Treasury, with U.S. $ 35 million applied to the recovery of the historic centers of sheets and waterfall," says Mendonça. Cachoeira is a Brazilian city, among other 25, which receives more resources of the Monumenta. Back in Salvador, the monument is the 7th stage of recovery of CHS under the responsibility of county / Sedur.
With the University of Recôncavo and the Federal University of Bahia, the Ipac is preparing a dossier to apply the set-architectural history of Cachoeira and Sao Felix, on the banks of the Rio PARAGUASSU, such as' Heritage of Humanity. " "By May of this year, the Secretary Márcio Meirelles directs the survey for the Governor Jaques Wagner submit the proposal to UNESCO," says Mendonça.
The Ipac're also interventions in the Lower South and in Feira de Santana. In Salvador promoted repairs to museums and Tempostal Ceramic tiles and Udo Knoff, the source of the stones - tumbled monument by the state - and the technical survey of New Hope Village, which subsidized urban and architectural projects in this hillside CHS. As of March (2008) have begun the restoration of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black and the Oratory of the Cross of Pascoal, both in the CHS. Integrating the strategy for the preservation of historical sites and by agreement with the Ministry of Culture, the Ipac elaborates further, the project for the rehabilitation of the Fair of San Joaquin in the amount of $ 1.5 million.
Baiana industry records growth of 4.1%
In aggregate, 2008, from January to November, the industry baiana maintained a growth of 3.8%. And in the last 12 months combined, the expansion was 4.1%, even with the retraction, in November 2008, from 3.2% in its production, compared to November 2007. The information was released this Friday (9) by the Monthly Industrial Research (IBGE), with analysis of the Monitoring Coordination Conjuntural the Superintendency of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia (SEI), the municipal Department of Planning (Seplan).
The negative result for the month of November in the research had been flagged since Thursday (8) by the Economic Indicator Movement of Salvador (IMEC / SEI), which calculated a shrinkage of 2.9% in the business capital of Bahia, anticipating the possible decline of other indicators on the economy in November.
The processing industry fell 3.3%. Four segments of processing recorded negative variations. The main negative contribution came from chemical products (-15.6%), on account of lower production of ammonium sulfate and titanium dioxide. The chemical segment represents about 35% of the industrial structure baiana.
Also contributed to the decline vehicles (-1.8%), rubber and plastic (-3.2%) and pulp, paper and paper products (-0.7%). Among the sectors that registered positive change, the basic metal rose by 13.2% in production, being influenced by the increase in the manufacture of bar, profile and vergalhões copper.
Other highlights are food and beverages (8.6%) and non-metallic minerals (3.8%). The mining industry (-0.6%) records fall after five consecutive months of positive results.
Maintaining positive variation
In the middle of the year, from January to November, the rate of industrial production baiana maintains a positive variation of 3.8%, and the processing industry registered a 3.9% rate. With the exception of chemicals (-2.2%) and motor vehicles (-2.7%), all other segments of the industry had positive rates, especially, cellulose, and paper and paper products (31%), metallurgy Basic (4.4%) and food and beverages (2.9%).
In aggregate the last 12 months (December 2007 to last November), the indicator points to a slowdown in the pace of growth ranging from 4.7% in October, to 4.2% in November. With respect to the segments, it is pulp, paper and paper products (31.6%), oil refining and production of alcohol (2.8%), rubber and plastics (14.9%) with positive charges. The segments of chemicals (-1.6%) and motor vehicles (-3.3%) accumulate negative rates in the period.
Conde start installation of the seat of Pituaçu
State of Bahia (Count) starts, Juventus (10), the installation of the seat of the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Santos (Pituaçu). Already the demarcation of areas for parking and the gallery of honor of the press were held this Friday.
Last month the system was tested for telecommunications and lighting, which already guarantees the perfect use of the square of sports and also ensures good working conditions for the press and excellent viewing for journalists and fans.
Equipped with the latest generation equipment, the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Santos, expanded and modernized by Conde, has a capacity for 32,400 spectators, will the host of the championship games Bahian and Brazilian championship, and international competitions since they fully meet the requirements of Fan and the status of Fifa.
Most of the three subway trains arriving from El Salvador on 19 January
Other three subway trains in El Salvador, also with a total of 12 wagons, from Korea, should arrive in the next 19 days to the Port of Salvador, thereby complementing the contribution of state for transport of mass in the Bahian capital. The Government of Bahia, through the Urban Development Company of the State of Bahia (Count), bought the six trains, which represent an investment of approximately $ 50 million, with financing from Bank of Brazil.
The first three trains of Metro landed in El Salvador on November 7 last year and are stored in the premises of the Interior Customs Station (EADI / Salvador), located in the CIA-South a monthly cost of $ 40 thousand, banking by state government, until the delivery to the final destination for the tests on trails, to be made before your operation.
The three trains that arrive in Salvador in the next 19 days will also be taken to the EADI / Salvador. The six trains will remain under the responsibility of Conde until the City completes the construction of the yard and help to maintain the paths of the settlement.
Made in Korea, by Rotem, and supplied by Mitsui & Co. Ltda., Each train is composed of four wagons with electric traction, bodies and structures in stainless steel. The capacity of each is a composition of 1,250 passengers and offers air conditioning and sound insulation.
Each train is composed of four wagons of type two and two trailer-type motor. Each wagon-type motor is 21,485 meters in length and 3,060 meters wide, 4,240 meters high and weighing 43,500 pounds. The type of trailer has a length of 20,290 meters, 3,060 meters wide, 4,135 meters in height and 44 thousand pounds.
Brasília - Encouraging the organization and training sector is a priority for the federal government, which has invested more than $ 30 million in cooperativism, the last five years. The industry promotes agricultural inclusion.
The resources were applied in technical training, social organization of rural cooperatives and agricultural holding of exhibitions in the five Brazilian regions. According to the Department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development (SDC), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map), the number of beneficiaries rose from 435 thousand. 27% are from the Northeast and 20% in South
The coordinator-general of the Department of Monitoring and Cooperative Associations, Luiz Carlos Colturato, explains that resources are allocated according to the demand of each productive area. "There are cooperatives, or organizations that represent them, that we seek in search of support. The investment is made to the needs of each region, "he said.
As a result, Colturato records the increase in exports of products from agricultural cooperatives, in the last two years. He cites, too, the improvement in the ability of management and organization of cooperatives in the north and northeast.
"Despite the geographical difficulties observed in the northern region, the Amazon cooperatives reported progress in controlling their activities. Already in the Northeast, particularly in Ceará and Pernambuco, saw significant improvement in the organization of the productive chain of milk cooperatives in, "he says.
Organic have official seal in the first half of 2009
Brasília - "The implementation of the seal of the federal government will allow the consumer to identify organic products on supermarket shelves should occur in the first half of this year." The forecast is the coordinator of substitute Agroecologia Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map) , Tereza Cristina Saminêz.
In 2008, instructions were issued two regulations which will contribute to the regulation of organic agriculture in Brazil. In implementing the National Commission for Organic Production, to give new powers to the committees in the units of the federation and which regulates the organ systems of animal and plant production. With this, three more instructions to be published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). They are: a mechanism for ensuring the quality control of organic, sustainable extraction of organic and processing of organic products.
According to Saminêz, organic farming is important for the Brazilian economy, especially in social and environmental aspects. "In management, the producer seeks to minimize the impact of productive action on the environment, to obtain a differentiated product that will provide greater economic return," he emphasized.
Producers have until December 28, 2009 to fit the system, because the decree of the organic regulations, published in December 2007, established a deadline of two years for farmers.
Infraero shows positive financial performance in 2008
The Infraero concluded the year with performance higher than in 2007. The operating result for the year of 2008 is over U.S. $ 500 million, the best since 2003.
Other indicators also show the improved performance of the company. The net profit before the investment will exceed U.S. $ 400 million, compared with the $ 261.2 million achieved in 2007, with operating margin above 19%.
According to the board's financial Infraero follows the excellent result of the measures adopted for the optimization and simplification of procedures, in search of greater cost in services. Projected that the change in revenue is higher than that of expenditure, there was thus to improve the economic performance of the Company.
The Infraero emphasize that the performance will enable greater allocation of resources in the process of modernization which has done at airports. "Who wins and passengers are the users with the improvement of service quality and safety of operations," said the company's financial director, Mauro Roberto Pacheco.
Cash only finance business users of legal timber
Entered into force on the last day of January 1, 2009, the Agreement of Technical Cooperation for Wood Legal Action signed between the Ministry of Environment, the Federal Savings and Ibama to guarantee the use of native wood in the legal origin of ventures financed by bank .
According to the General Coordinator for the Management of Forest Resources of Ibama, José Humberto Chaves, the agreement aims to curb the use of wood of illegal origin in the works and projects funded by the box, developing measures to prove the legal origin of wood used in these enterprises, implement actions and procedures to ensure the legal origin of wood used to create a list of default or construction that breaks the rules established for the verification of legal origin of the native wood used in construction and develop education for the use of legal timber.
Ibama to lie, among others, provide access and training to the DOF System - module for consultation - the employees of the Caixa authorized, perform the autuação of companies that do not submit documents proving the legal origin of the wood to the box and to disclose the action with the civil construction sector.
It is important that builders and other organizers of enterprises seeking a housing unit of Ibama closer in case of doubt to purchase timber from legal origin. We must emphasize on the need for construction and are included in the regular Technical Federal Register to be able to move in the woods or in the System DOF State Integrated Electronic System.
As of January will be required to provide the Document of Origin DOF Forest near the box by the builders and organizers, and the default will be referred for investigation by Ibama, says Keys. More information on how to get the DOF can be found on the Internet page of Ibama (
09/01/2009 14:00 - 12/01/2009 20:30
Check out the job vacancies offered by SineBahia valid until Monday (12):
• Analyst of quality control
• Angiology
• Financial aid
• Cardiologists
• Sales Consultant
• Dentist
• Responsible for production
• Endocrinologist
• Civil engineer
• Engineer of Mines
• Stage for ADM, economics or law
• Stage for Fitness
• Geriatra
• Pediatrician
• Neurologist
• Professor of elementary school
• Technical tributos
Check the list of vacancies in: / sinebahia / vagas.mht.
Interested parties should attend to the central unit of care SineBahia, located on Avenida ACM, 3359, Edf. Torres of Iguatemi, or to other service units of the SineBahia located in SACS, so portfolio of work, RG, CPF and proof of residence.
21/10/2008 17:00 - 16/01/2009 19:00
The State Government extended for the next day on January 16 the entries of the competition of the Military Police of the State of Bahia. The extension is for another seven days in compensation to the period of year-end festivities, which were included in the first deadline extension, between Dec. 19 and Jan. 9.
The determination was published in the Daily Journal this Friday (9), by joint decree of the Secretary of Administration (Saeb) and the General Command of the Military Police. The candidates compete for one of 3.2 thousand places available for the positions of firefighters and soldiers of the Military Police.
Entries can be made by the website of Carlos Chagas Foundation ( Another option is to withdraw the registration form in positions SAC, battalions and companies of the Independent Military Police linked the announcement, which is also available at the electronic address of the company organizing the contest. Payment must be made within the banking business hours. The announcement with addresses and rules of participation can be found in the Portal Server (
The new PMs find a Military Police restructured. They will have more chances to climb the career (four rather than two levels of graduation of squares) and can still win prizes for police performance. The new organizational context of the PM is the most attractive candidates for positions in the PM, who also had their salaries improved.
The forecast is that the evidence for admission are applied to soldiers on March 8, 2009. Of the total vacancies, 2,870 are for males and 330 are for females. The contract provides for the provision of PM 2.8 thousand for the establishment of Military Police Squares (QPPM) and 400 to the Board of Fire Military Squares (QPBM). The evidence will be applied in the cities of Salvador, Juazeiro, Feira de Santana, Ilhéus, Vitória da Conquista and barriers.
To participate in the contest, the candidate must have certificate of completion of high school, at least 18 and no more than 30 years of age at the time of enrollment in the Training Course of Military Police Soldier. We also need to be up with the military service (for male candidates) and with the obligations election.
01/12/2008 17:08 - 18/01/2009 20:00
The State Government opens on Monday (1 / 12), the entries for the competition which will select 850 professionals in the area of health units that act in the public network state. The edict, published in the Official Gazette of the State on Friday (28/11), offers 605 vacancies for doctors (in 35 specialties) and over 245 vacancies directed the careers of 16 other middle and upper level. Entries can be made between on 1 December 2008 and January 18, 2009, the site of Consultec (, a company organizing the event.
The vacancies are in bid for medical sanitation (8), veterinarian (2), pharmaceuticals (33), biologist (2), psychologist (8), physiotherapist (7), occupational therapist (8), regulator of health care (10), social (9), nutritionist (18), nurses (54), speech pathologist (9), clinicians (7), radiology technician in (15), technical in clinical pathology (15) and technical nursing (40 ).
The initial remuneration of positions ranging from R $ 678.72 to R $ 2,209.08. The tests are planned for the 15th of February, with completion in Salvador. For higher-level positions, the competition will have two stages: objective evidence of general knowledge and specific (round) and proof of title (classification). For the mid-level positions to be single step, with objective evidence of general and specific knowledge.
To compete, the candidate must be born or naturalized Brazilian, have minimum age of 18 full years on the date of possession of the office; be in full exercise of their civil and political rights; not have records of criminal background, which involves changing the "criminal state" being in good physical and mental health for the financial position and be aware of the requirements contained in the announcement, as the graduation diploma to higher and proof of completion of technical courses for mid-level positions.
Persons with disabilities will have reserves of up to 5% of total vacancies, depending on the office, workplace, area of expertise or specialty. The hours of work for the post of doctor will be 20 hours per week to 40 hours per week of public health and other positions of 30 hours per week.
The professionals will form multidisciplinary teams of 14 Regional Health Boards (Dires) in Salvador, Feira de Santana, Gandu, Ilhéus, Itabuna, Paulo Afonso, Cicero Dantas, Jequié, Vitoria da Conquista, Barriers, Santa Maria da Vitoria, Amargosa, Guanambi and Cruz das Almas.
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