segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2009

Our editorial

Our editorial

One thing is to defend the conservation of nature, to ensure the rational exploitation of natural resources and prevent aggression to the environment.
Another thing is to use a question apparently fair and sympathetic media to prevent the deployment of a project that will generate thousands of jobs, give a boost to a stagnant economy because of a crisis that has lasted two decades and whose environmental impact is not not by far the apocalypse proclaimed by environmentalists.

That is what is happening on the South Port, a port complex and interconnected to a railroad that will take investments of $ 6 billion reais, certainly the biggest amount of resources already applied in the region, almost double the CAP of Cocoa, another program of vital importance to our economy combalida. The South Port, which still has an industrial center, will generate about 10 thousand direct jobs number that can be multiplied by four or five when computed the jobs indirect.

Is no small thing. Rather, it is a lot even with the advantage that it is not mere promises, such as common to rulers used to hoodwink the people, but a real business, unequivocal demonstration of the commitment of President Lula and the Governor Jaques Wagner with the south of Bahia.
Which region of Brazil who would not want to receive a venture of this size, the second largest port complex in North-Northeast?

Ilhéus is not just who wins the South Harbor, but the entire region, like Itabuna, about 30 km away and main commercial center and service provider in an area covering some 100 municipalities.
Furthermore, the implementation of the work is preceded by rigorous studies, to ensure that environmental impacts are the smallest possible.
The discussion on the South Port is healthy and necessary, but we must avoid if this climate of hysteria almost ecological and common sense should prevail and dialogue.

You to preserve what remained of the Atlantic Forest in southern Bahia, the beauty of our beaches and the survival of some endangered species. However, that does not forget the thousands and thousands of men and women unemployed or underemployed, living in pockets of poverty, which will in South Harbor and parallel ventures the opportunity for a dignified life.

Anyway, not going to waste, in the name of radical positions, the actual chance of improving the lives of people in a region that needs more investment than pretty speeches, demagogic and, often, hiding inconfessáveis interests.
The South Port, and in consequence the East-West Rail and industrial center, those are opportunities to make a historic leap forward that they are not in any corner.
Not in any piece of beach. Daniel Thame

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