quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Article by Edgar Werblowsky

Article by Edgar Werblowsky

25 years of Freeway and ecotourism in Brazil

Published in (a) Freeway in Brazil 18/Agosto/2008

Celebrate it in 2008 the first 25 years of organized hikes in the rainforest in Brazil. It was in 1983 that the Freeway took their first steps leading to the first group down the Serra do Mar, from the plateau, to the lowland, the trail of Paranapiacaba.

Since those first moments the Freeway is dedicated to discover many trails, destinations, parks, leading their groups to pioneer within Brazil.

We created a culture of making tourism using nature as raw material, stage and objective. Added services that represented major travel. And that became the reference to that later came to be called ecotourism.

The criteria for the addition of these services had two addresses and have been committed in its name: The first, addressed to our clients, was the creation of unique experiences, pleasant, rich and memorable. The second goal was by nature, through his knowledge, the creation of a conservation awareness and the enhancement of nature.

By various ways seeds were left. Trails were open, leaders forged, puppies left, models built and established tourist destinations.

On behalf of the nascent ecotourism is created schools, courses, faculties. Nomina up professions. Demands were set up and were born hostels, refuges, eco-resorts and attractions in private areas. Youth shaped their careers and lives, through the opportunities arise. There were associations, international niches, more reasons to visit Brazil.

Today, many more people travel, and with much more structure and comfort. Appreciated is the contact with nature, increased environmental awareness of Brazilian society.

Human talent revealed by the four corners of the country, seeking out and show what your corner is the best.

Learned to be a way to interact with nature without depredá it, minimizing the impact.

Ecotourism has been a spearhead, live, practice, promotion of a planet more conscious, more responsible and more careful with their unique features.

The next 25 years with continuous wave. New generations will be leading the process of respectful interaction with nature.

The ecotourism industry is the quality of life. For the customer - the traveler, to the service provider to the local community, for all that in any way be related to him.

The Freeway to continue offering unique experiences, unforgettable, high quality, showing the best ways, the best trips, for an integration enjoyable, enriching, responsible between man and nature.

Edgar Werblowsky

Edgar Werblowsky is director of innovation, relationships and social activities of the agency FreeWay Brazil and director of TOI - Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development - UNEP - United Nations - edgar@freeway.tur.br

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